Does Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) make Sanger Sequencing outdated?
Sequencing is the sine qua non of any modern biologist’s toolbox. Sanger sequencing is the single technique innovated by British scientist Frederick Sanger which is little automated over time. In contrast, NGS is a catch-all term for post-Sanger sequencing technologies. Each NGS platforms have a different degree of efficiency in terms of data generation and other attributes. Now the third generation sequencing technology also getting on the stage. But still, there is a requirement for Sanger sequencing for small-scale investigations. Laboratories in developing countries are facing challenges to establishing NGS platforms due to high start-up costs. The Sanger sequencing will eventually lose its fame as new cost-effective alternative platforms evolve. But the time has not come right now.
A comprehensive comparison is provided below:

How to execute sequence analysis?
A PowerPoint presentation on "Basics of sequence analysis" is made available in my SlideShare dashboard: